I love your service! It is well organized and thorough. We have been in touch with many of the outlets and have had success. I went through 3 PR agencies and a lot of money and they did NOTHING for me… over $15k down the drain. I am now able to do in-house PR with my own team and with your Get Media Happy, we are having success! My advice to anyone who is trying to get their products out there…. Nobody will care about YOUR business more than YOU. Take charge of your own PR!Kimberly LemlerAromaearth
My Soulful Ceramic’s website hasn’t been launched yet, but two of my products will be featured in two magazines. It was done through Get Media Happy. Thanks for always providing me with helpful resources.Hanna JunSoulful Ceramics
I’ve contacted a few of the contacts and this whole process makes it SO MUCH easier than me trying to find the right person, issue to pitch, etc. Thank you for providing this service!! I’m really excited to take advantage of it.Ana Talkuder SimpsonThe Pretty Peacock
Without GetMediaHappy, I’d be spending a lot more time trying to figure all this out myself, buy lists, or paying MUCH higher fees to hire a PR agency. I can’t tell you enough how great a tool Get Media Happy already has been for me. It’s the BEST bang for my limited budget.Karen WalkerSwagger Tag
Our products are being featured in Equanimity Magazine thanks to your Get Media Happy website. In addition to the TickleMe Plant writeup, Lumbie, the Chief Editor, was able to get a picture of Ben Lecomte, who is on the cover, holding a packet of TickleMe Plant seeds.Larry ChipkinTickle Me Plant
I’m really enjoying this service. I dread PR, but this makes it so easy and the daily emails keep me on top of things.Jordana PaigeJordana Paige